Our Mission: Love God, love people and make disciples.

Woman of Promise

Mission Statement

The mission of the Women’s Ministry of Harvest Time United Church of Jesus Christ is to model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries.

Harvest Time United Church Women of Promise Our values and objectives are to:
• Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
• Elevate women as persons of worth
• Address the various concerns of women
• Build networks among women for women
• Provide mentorship to young woman
• Challenge Harvest Time women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory God, according to the great commission.

Mark 16: 15-18

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get.


Men's Ministry

Mission and Vision Statement

Mission Statement: To cultivate a passion a passion for discipleship through teaching, prayer, nurturing and fellowship and be our brother’s keeper.

Vision Statement: To build an army of men for service in the Kingdom of God

Y.E.S (Youth Empowered to Stand)

In 2012 Harvest Time United Church established Youth Empowered to Stand. Youth Empowered to Stand was established to provide scholarships to youth in our community who are pursuing post-secondary education.

We have already provided scholarships to several youths and are working to be able to provide many, many more.

In our community, we realize that many of our children are unable to complete their education due to financial difficulties and we would like to change that trend. We have decided to offer assistance to help them finish their education so that they can move on to be positive members of society.

Y.E.S (Youth Empowered to Stand) is here to help give our children hope for a better future.

YES – They can Stand and become strong and powerful men and women
YES – They can Stand against drugs and violence
YES – They can Stand and be what God wants them to be
YES – They can Stand and overcome their obstacles happen
YES – They can Stand and become a positive influence in our society


Couples Ministry

The Couple’s Ministry is dedicated to deepening our bonds in our relationships with the guidance of God. Through these intentional gatherings and outings, we create lasting memories while nurturing our faith and relationships.

If you're seeking to strengthen your connection in your relationship, our group offers a supportive and enriching environment. Together we embark on a journey of spiritual and relational growth, united by our shared commitment to God and love.

Joining our ministry provides an opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding and closeness in your relationship. With God's help, we navigate the complexities of life and love, enriching our journey together as couples.

Minister Grace Brown
President- Minster Grace Brown

Single's Ministry

The Vision

Stand with Standards Singles Ministry is designed to be centered around development, growth, and encouragement of the whole self, both spiritually and physically.

Stand with Standards will promote singles to live a successfully clean and holy life unto GOD. This ministry is empowering singles to serve God and to stand with a standard. 1 Corinthians 7:34

Sis Tamika Johnson - President Sis Nickeisha Orleans - Vice President

Usher Ministry

Mission Statement

The Usher Ministry’s mission is to serve as the “Door keepers in the house of the Lord, to ensure that every person that enters is greeted in a warm, friendly and welcoming manner. We maintain church etiquette and prepare the sanctuary for all who enter to worship.


We are representatives of the Lord; therefore, we demonstrate love, joy, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, all of the fruit of the spirit ( Galatians 5:22-23). The first smile and warmth a person sees when the enter the doors of HTUC is that of an Usher. We want everyone to feel the love of God and welcomed as they enter to give praise, Romans 12:13 states “share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality” (NIV).

Our Church has a great team of Ushers.

If God is leading you to serve in this Ministry, please contact Missionary Trotman, who leads the team. Email [email protected].


We welcome you in your walk with Jesus Christ. If any of the ministries sound like the right fit for you, contact: (905) 497-5052